It takes a village.
Welcome to ours
There are a multitude of wonderful organizations in Lincoln and the greater Blackstone River Valley. Whether your passion is our puddles, ponds, paddle-ways, or pathways, there is no doubt a group for you!!
“The biggest threat to our planet, is the belief that someone else will save it.”
Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor
Website: http://www.blackstoneheritagecorridor.org
Email: bcombs@blackstoneheritagecorridor.org
Contact: 508.234.4242
Mission: “Working with communities to preserve and promote the Valley's historic, cultural, natural and recreational resources for current and future generations.
About: Created by an act of Congress in 1986, the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor (the Corridor) is where the industrialization of America began with the first water-powered cotton mill in Pawtucket, RI. The development of mill villages followed along the Blackstone River and its tributaries spreading out across the valley in a pattern that can still be seen and experienced today in both Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The Blackstone Heritage Corridor includes 25 cities and towns in a watershed stretching from Worcester, MA to Narragansett Bay in Providence, RI. The Blackstone Heritage Corridor has many historic sites as well as fabulous recreational opportunities on land and water. ”
Blackstone River Watershed Council
Website: http://www.blackstoneriver.org
Email: brwcfob@gmail.com
Contact: 401.644.3215
Mission: “The mission of the BRWC/FOB is to restore and preserve the physical, historical and cultural integrity of the Blackstone River and its watershed area. We are a nonprofit, volunteer group.”
Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful
Website: http://www.keepblackstonevalleybeautiful.com/
Email: keep@tourblackstone.com
Contact: •401.724.2200
Mission: “Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful is the waste reduction, litter prevention, and community beautification program of Blackstone Valley Tourism Council”
Lincoln Rhode Island Community Cleanup Crew (est. August 2020)
Lincoln Rhode Island Community Cleanup Crew !
Mission: We are a Lincoln-based all volunteer community group who organize local litter cleanup initiatives for the maintenance and beautification of our local ponds and neighborhoods.
River Road and Blackstone River Valley Cemeteries
Contact: via Facebook
Mission: “In the Spring of 2015, work was begun on restoring the Turner and Sprague Avenue Lots and with the help of generous neighbors who volunteered afternoons of raking, brush cutting and cementing, we soon had partially restored the pre-Colonial, Colonial and Civil War denizens of these yards. We have discovered many lots thought to be missing and totally neglected burial yards and begun the work of restoring them to dignity once again in Cumberland, Lincoln, North Providence, South Attleboro and neighboring communities. Join in the discovery and fun by contacting us and helping organize treasure treks-We are the bane of developers who would ignore the laws and any sense of moral decency and who seek to destroy these last open spaces dedicated to our past for the sake of a passing dollar”