Here’s What We Have Accomplished So Far!
We’ve Started Off Strong, But We Still Have a Ways to Go
Here's what we've accomplished so far!
〰️ Here's what we've accomplished so far! 〰️ JOIN US TODAY
Daffodil Planting on Front Street 10/2/22
ZAP Day 50th Anniversary Cleanup 8/27/22
Yellow Bag Day 4/2/22
Front Street Cleanup 4/9/22
Breakneck Hill Road Cleanup 4/16/22
EWaste Event 4/30/22
Walker Street 5/26/22
ZAP Day 50th Anniversary 8/27/22
Bulbs on Front Street 10/2/22
Daffodils on Woodland/Smithfield Ave 10/6/22
Spectacle Pond 11/6/22
Scott Pond cleanup 8/22/20
Scott Pond Northern edge cleanup 8/25/20
Pratt Dam/Carrington Street cleanup 9/26/20
Blackstone River Watershed Council, World Rivers Day 9/27/20
Lonsdale Cemetery Cleanup 11/14/20
Blackstone River Watershed Council Ann & Hope corner cleanup 1/3/21
Breakneck Hill Road Cleanup 1/18/21
Blackstone River Watershed Council, Valley Boys Cleanup 1/23/21
Butterfly Garden, LCC 3/24/21
Scott Pond Cleanup, Cleanup Crew 4/3/21
Yellow Bag Day, Manville 4/10/21
Lincoln Drive-In, Friends of Blackstone 4/17/21
Breakneck Hill Road, LCC 5/8/21
Walker Street, LCC 5/16/21
Shady Brook, LCC 5/29/21
Butterfly Garden, LCC 6/19/21
Bleachery Pond, LCC 6/26/21
It’s A Spectacle!
On a VERY MILD November Sunday, our incredible volunteers were busy at Spectacle Pond.
They gathered 35 bags of trash and 6 tires in JUST 3 hours!!
A Day of Daffodils
Smithfield Ave @ Woodland St 10/6/22
Front Street Bulbs ‘N Baristas Sponsored by Lincoln’s own We Roast Cafe
AUGUST 27th 2022
We filled a 27 foot box truck and needed backup, but not the hard drive kind!
Up a road slowly….but meticulously and efficiently!!
See our hard work by clicking the button below. We are dedicated to keeping our historic roadway clean and beautiful for our generation, and those to come. Let’s set a standard of environmental excellence
Breakneck Hill Road
Bleachery Pond
June 26, 2021
There’s a lot happening at the Butterfly Garden!
The garden was started in 1994 by members of the Lincoln Conservation Commission and we are reviving it to it’s full potential. Join us as we revamp this incredible space.
It’s not just a through-street, it’s OUR street
More than 25 neighbors sprung into action this spring to collect 35+ bags of refuse and 30+ bags of leaves and debris. See what we’ve collected:
Breakneck Hill Road
May 8th, 2021
We rallied with our neighbors and collected 66 bags of trash on a 1.3 mile stretch of road in less than 4 hours!
We grabbed our neighbors, our vests, trash bags and pickers and headed up the road!
Scott Pond
April 3rd, 2021
Here we are back at Lower Road! When we continue to clean the bank, we teach our community that this is NOT a dumping ground for refuse. With frequent cleanup and maintenance of the area, it discourages individuals from being the FIRST to cast away their bottles and cans into the pond.
The Butterfly Garden
Chase Farm
March 24th, 2021
Lincoln Conservation Commission
Lincoln Drive-In
Friends of the Blackstone
April 17th, 2021

YELLOW BAG DAY, Manville April 10th, 2021

Blackstone River Watershed Council, Valley Boys
Cleanup of two abandoned homeless sites deep in the woods near Old Drive, January 2021. They successfully removed over 1000+ of sleeping bags, tents, large Styrofoam pieces and a total of 20 large trash bags full of refuse.
Historic Breakneck Hill Road
April 18th, 2021
How many times have you driven by and thought, “how terrible, all that trash…”? Well, we thought that, too, and we decided to do something about it. With the help of our unofficial safety officer from the Lodge and our collaborators from Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful, we were able to collect 19 bags of trash from the side of the road. Most commonly found were single use beverage containers including coffee cups, nips, beer cans and bottles and take out food containers.
Blackstone River Watershed Council
Ann & Hope corner cleanup, January 2021
It starts with an idea…
One person is all you need!
Lonsdale Cemetery
November, 2020
Across from Central Elementary, graves from 1600s- 1903
Cleaned up a massive amount of brush, vines, branches, down and dead trees, leaves raked, grave markers recovered
Oak Grove Cleanup, October 2020
“Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook will be concluding our season by joining the folks at Blackstone Valley Cemetery Association for a cleanup along the path of Bucklin Brook in the back of Oak Grove Cemetery. This area is a small wetland and salamander breeding ground in the spring as well as the final resting place of many area residents. Proper respect must be paid. By coming, you agree to do so at your own risk and that Friends of the and Bucklin Brook are not responsible for any injury or loss suffered as a result of taking part in this activity or travel to and from.”
Blackstone River Watershed Council, World Rivers Day 9/27/20
Look at all the shopping carts and tires retrieved from the river!
Blackstone River
**Teach me something about the Blackstone River watershed area and it’s contribution to the factories, etc
Lincoln Rhode Island Community Cleanup Crew was at it again! This time, tackling Carrington street.
Pratt Dam/Carrington Street
***Historical info here****
Scott Pond Cleanup, August 2020
Scott Pond, Saylesville
With the Lincoln Rhode Island Community Cleanup Crew, founded by Stephanie Santos in August 2020, she set out to empower her neighbors living around the pond to clean up the broken glass, single-use containers, fishing line and hooks, plastic bags, mattresses and tires. This is an ongoing project to restore the health of the pond. Perhaps, one day soon we will be able to jump in the pond again!